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Preschool オープンスクールのお知らせ
1歳半からのお子様とご家族を対象としたプリスクールのオープンスクールを開催いたします。 ・モンテッソーリ教育について知りたい ・鎌倉山インターナショナルスクールの雰囲気を見てみたい ・エンリッチプログラムのことについて知りたい 鎌倉山の自然の中、毎日色々な発見と喜びに溢れています。 お気軽に足を運んでいただき、お話できたらうれしく思います。 日時:7月20日(金)2:00?3:00 * オープンスクールの前に1:00?2:00までプリスクールのサマーパーティーを行っています。子供たちのバイオリンと歌の発表会を見て在園の子供たちの成長を見ていただきたいと思います。(コンサートからの参加は先着10組) *駐車場に限りがありますのでお早めにご連絡下さい。 場所:鎌倉山インターナショナルスクール 鎌倉山インターナショナルス

Summer School 2018 受付開始
KYIS Summer School 2018 Days:July 31st(Mon) ~ August 31st(Fri) Week 1 (July 30th– August 3rd) Week 2 (August 6th– 10th) Week 4 (August 20th– 24th) Week 5 (August 27th– 31st) *土日祝日お盆(13日?17日)はお休みです Fee:40,000円(消費税込み)/週5日(好きな週をお選びください) *全4週参加の場合は10%割引となります Preschool Program 日程:Week 1 & Week 5 時間:9:00?3:

Children from age 2-3 years old in KYIS enjoy paintings on easel. No boundaries in loving art!!! They are the best artists!!! Look at this abstract painting by a 2-year-old! I say it looks like a horse but some say it looks like a hen. What do you think???

Preschool – Plum picking in the garden
The children enjoyed plum picking in the garden under the beautiful spring sky. There were many plums this year, and the children were able to count all of them! How many were there in total…??? We can count to 100 and more!

Preschool – Flower arrangement
Spring has come, and with it a beautiful bouquet of flowers.The children helped decorate the classroom with their very own flower arrangements. Our 2 year old students learn from watching their older friends.

Preschool- Plum Picking
We picked plums from our yard and made plum juice. One, two, three… we picked 128 plums this year! We can’t wait to taste our plum juice!!!

Preschool- Classroom under the sky 2
Children were enjoying working outside this morning too!!!

Preschool- Classroom under the sky
Children bring their work outside and enjoy them on a sunny day. We see many kinds of birds visiting our yard, bathing and chirping and singing!

Preschool- Children’s Day
We made carp streamer for Children’s Day. Have a nice Golden Week!