
Preschool- Painting Dollhouse Project

We are going to paint the dollhouse in our backyard!

 Step 1: Cleaning the Dollhouse
We used High Pressure Washing Machine to clean the dollhouse.
In order to use the machine safely and properly, we got guidance from the Fire Fighter.
Important Safety Tips:
*NEVER face the machine to your friends!!
*NEVER touch the water spouting out from the machine!!
*Make sure nobody is around!!
Now let’s try!
Step 2: Taking off the Windows
We are going to use the drill!!
*NEVER face the drill to your friends!!
*NEVER touch the drill bit!!
First, we experienced using the screwdriver.
This will take a long time…
How about the drill?

Wow, this is much faster!!!
Step 3: Painting the Dollhouse
Finally, we are going to paint the dollhouse next week!!!